Sunday, April 28, 2013

Week 1 - 1/2 Marathon/Centry Ride training program created

Well.. tomorrow starts the first week of my 1/2 marathon training plan. I just completed my 21 week training program and added in the cycling rides and 5Ks that I have signed up for thus far. My goal is to stick to this plan and finish the 1/2 marathon in under 2 hours. My last years time was 2 hours 15 minutes, so I have some work to do in order to get below 2 hours. Especially since I haven't been running for a while due to a knee injury I had last year.

I also want to complete a century bicycle ride in Door County that I have signed up for. This will be a first for me. I am extremely excited, but nervous because this is pushing my limits. If I stick to my plan I should be able to accomplish both of my goals for this year.

Another goal of mine is to lose 15 pounds in the process of this training plan. I am not confident enough to share my weight over the Internet, but I will be keeping track of the amount lost throughout this process and post the results. I will also be taking pictures of my progress and posting them here to keep motivating myself and others like myself who have a hard time getting motivated.

These are the two events I will be completing:

1. Door County Century Ride (
2. Brewers Mini Marathon (

Here is my May training schedule

I will continue to post the June, July, August, and September plans as time progresses.

Please feel free to join me in this training program so we can keep each other motivated throughout this process.

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