Monday, April 29, 2013

Week 1 - Day 1

Well today was a success. This morning I woke up at 4AM, weighed myself, and made it to the gym by 5AM to do my hour long spin class and burned 650 calories. It felt really good afterwards, but during the class I felt like I was going to die. I also must have done something to my left knee. I feel like an old woman, when I sit for a while and then get up to walk behind my left knee is sore.

I have been logging my food using, which works very well if you stick to it. My calorie goal is set to 1200 calories per day and then the calories you burn when you work out gets added to the 1200 calories. This means after my workout this morning I had 1850 calories to use. I used them very wisely and tried to get all of my nutrition along with it. Currently I have about 1,000 calories remaining for dinner and my wonderful husband is making chicken using the four cheese fresh take packet and some wheat macaroni noodles with light ragu pasta sauce. I also have some weight watcher ice cream for dessert :)

If you are also using to track your calories feel free to add me. My account name is "caywooda".

Care Net Family Resource Center Bike Ride in Kenosha

I have also been invited to do a ride in Kenosha at Parkside. This is a fundraising event for Care Net Family Resource Center and only costs $25 to participate in a 10, 25, or 50 mile loop. The ride begins at 7:30AM and refreshments are included. TJ and I will be doing the 25 mile loop, if anyone would like to join us please let me know!

If anyone else is interested here is the link to the ride.

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