Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Week 1 - Day 3

Today I started the day our right. I made it to the gym for my weight lifting class and burned about 300 calories.. and man do I feel it now. My arms and thighs are killing me. All day when I was walking up and down the stairs at work my quads were screaming at me.

Unfortunately for lunch I gave in and had a hot fudge sundae for dessert. At my work we get free lunch, but today was special. I was promoted back in December and for my promotion my Director and Manager have lunch with me in a special dining room on an executive level in one of our buildings. This lunch is also free, but it is very upscale. Everyone has to dress business formal (suit and tie) and you get served by waiters. I had a sesame crusted chicken breast with vegetables and a spinach and apple side salad. This was not too bad, but then my Directory told me the desserts were awesome and then everyone proceeded to order dessert. So, needless to say, I felt obligated plus one of my weaknesses is ice cream. When I saw "Hot Fudge Sundae" on the menu I was sold.

After lunch I did fine, I even walked up a few flights of stairs twice to get to my afternoon meetings. After work I had a charity dinner for work to go to. I had breaded chicken (not healthy), a baked potato with butter (not healthy), and a cupcake from the Milwaukee Cupcake Company (also not healthy). For those of you who have never had a cupcake from the Cupcake Company here is what they look like. I had one with a strawberry on it if you were wondering! I don't even know how to log this in myfitnesspal, so we will just call it a fail and I will log again tomorrow.

Tomorrow I have to do abs, spin, and running 3 miles. Hopefully that will makeup for my bad day today. Just remember if you have a bad day of eating think of this saying and then pick yourself up and stay on track the next day or next meal.. whichever comes first.

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