Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Week 1 - Day 2

Today was a little harder than yesterday. Early this morning, 3AM to be exact, my dogs woke me up barking at nothing. So I got up and turned on all the lights and of course there was nothing there. I then proceeded to let them out and then came in an noticed that our windows upstairs were open and the shade was hitting against the wall.. BINGO.. that was what prompted Chloe to bark. I fixed the shades and then went to lay back down in bed and my 4AM alarm went off to wake me up to go to the gym. Needless to say I reset my alarm for 6AM after seeing it was supposed to be 80 degrees out today and fell back asleep. I then went through my whole day preparing myself for my 3 mile run, which I accomplished as soon as I got home. It wasn't my best time, but I finished it in 29:47. My goal was under 30 minutes, so I accomplished that.

How can you not give into these two???

I did really good eating today and am actually snacking on some air-popped popcorn as I type this. For those of you who don't know, this is an awesome low calorie snack. When you only have 1200 calories per day you have to find those snacks where you get a lot of food for little calories. The air-popped popcorn with spray butter (another staple for low calorie diets) is only 186 calories for 6 cups of popcorn. That is equivalent to a large movie theater popcorn, but for less calories due to the spray butter instead of oil. 

I also have signed up for the 25 mile Care Net Family Resource Center Bike Ride. For those of you who are close to Kenosha, this is a good opportunity to get out and do a relaxed bike ride to kick off the summer. If you need someone to ride with just let me know. My husband and I will both be doing this and we are more than willing to ride with others.. the more the better.

Here is the link to sign up.

For those of you who are interested in the other bike rides I am participating in so far this summer. Here are the names and the links to sign up and view more information.
Here are the runs I have planned so far:
I am always up to try new things. If there are any runs or rides that you plan to participate in, please keep me posted. If I am available I will join you.

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