Saturday, May 4, 2013

Week 1 - Day 6

Today was a rough day, but not because of my eating and exercise. Today I had to write a six page Economics paper on why getting your MBA is worth it. Instead of me going through the whole thing, I will just tell you that it is financially and personally worth getting your MBA Degree. Now onto the fun stuff.


This morning I made sure to stretch and foam roll my legs a lot to loosen them up for running. I have determine that my knee issue sprouted from my tight IT band in my legs, so I've been trying to stretch and work out all of the knots in hopes that the pain will go away soon.

This morning it was such a nice day that my four mile run wasn't that terrible. The only mistake I made was wearing a long sleeve shirt and pants. By the time I got home I was sweating quite a bit. During my run I saw some deer crossing behind me, so I stopped for a few seconds to take a picture.

I was able to finish my four miles in 41:16. I was hoping to finish in 40 minutes, but I was extremely sore from yesterday's workout.  After my morning workout I spent my whole day writing my Econ paper.


Today I did very well eating, I actually have calories left for and apple and peanut butter and some almond milk later. One of my favorite side dishes that I made for tonight's dinner was maple glazed carrots. It sounds bad for you, but the way I make them is actually extremely healthy for you. All I do is boil a bunch of carrots, once they are soft I drain them and then add in some sugar free maple syrup (15 cal per serving), and some spray butter (0 cal per serving). That's it! so the only calories you are consuming are from the carrots themselves and the sugar free maple syrup.

Currently I am not as sore as I was this morning, but my glutes (butt) is pretty sore. Tomorrow I have a three mile run to do in the morning followed by a birthday party for my sister and brother in law at a restaurant. So my challenge tomorrow will be eating something healthy while out at a restaurant. Then I have to proof my Econ paper and submit it for grading.

I hope all of you are staying on track, did you try viewing calories like money today?

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