Sunday, May 5, 2013

Week 1 - Day 7

The weather today was awesome again! It is so nice being able to go outside without a jacket, but now I have to find a new place for my phone and my keys since I can't put them in my coat pockets.


Today I had to do a three mile run, which turned out better than my last three mile run. I finished it in 27:57, which is an average pace of 9:14 min/mile. I can only hope that I continue to decrease my time. Hopefully by losing weight I will be able to shave some time off of my pace.


Today I did very good with my food considering the situations I was in. For lunch we went to Janesville to see TJ's family for his sister and brother in law's birthday party. We went to a pizza buffet, and luckily there was a salad bar. I had salad with strawberries and a side of cottage cheese. It was very hard for me to not get pizza, but I just walked by without even looking at the options. That way I couldn't tempt myself. For dessert we went back to TJ's parents house and had strawberry shortcake with cool whip. Luckily she had strawberries without sugar, so the dessert only totaled 130 calories. Not too bad!

For dinner TJ and I stopped at Qdoba and we got the naked chicken burrito bowl. This ended up being 610 calories.. again, not too bad considering we dined out. There is quite a bit of sodium in it, so I need to make sure to consume a lot of water to flush it out.

After all is said and done I actually still have about 400 calories remaining. Tomorrow is my weigh in day, so we will see how I have done. Especially since there were a few bad food days I had this week.

I hope all of you are keeping up the good work and haven't given in to your temptations this weekend!

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