Sunday, July 7, 2013

Weeks 9 and 10

The past few weeks have been difficult for me because of the family birthday parties, and other social events that we have gone to. I don't know what it is about being around family and friends, but it seems my diet and fitness go out the window.

For the fourth of July I took off work on Friday, so I ended up having a 4 day weekend. I decided that I would start getting serious with my running and bicycling for my 1/2 marathon and century ride in September.


I feel like I have started over because now I feel like I can hardly run 4 miles. I am not sure if it's because of the heat, or just because I haven't don't a descent workout in a week. As you can see on my Endomondo tracker above I have been working out quite a bit the past few days. My goal is to continue this routine and hopefully be able to keep my goal of running the 1/2 marathon in 2 hours.
This week TJ and I are running in the Bastille Days 5K (this is our first 5K of the season).. I just hope it's not super hot. I'm hoping to get in some spin classes and running outside this week assuming the weather cooperates.


Food has been the hardest of the whole thing. I have struggled while at parties and of course getting back from vacation because we had no food. This weekend I have prepared some zucchini and summer squash pasta sauce, which we had for dinner tonight with spaghetti and chicken sausage. I couldn't even tell there was squash and zucchini in the sauce. TJ even ate it!

I also made what I call "Power Pancakes" for my breakfasts for the week (

The reason I call them "Power Pancakes" is because every time I have one for breakfast I have an excellent workout and record time (for me). These are packed with nutrients and protein, which I believe is the reason I have such good workouts after eating one of these. If you put protein powder in them they make you even fuller. 

I had some kale from my Organic Coop that I participate in with my Mother, so I took that and made some kale chips with garlic and basil seasoning. This makes for a good snack. (

I'm hoping to have a good week and stick to my diet and workouts. I have been slacking on logging to myfitnesspal, but will be starting up again tomorrow morning. 

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