Monday, June 24, 2013

Week 7 and 8

For week 7 I was up north with my Husband's family enjoying the great outdoors four wheeling, fishing, and sitting around the campfire. Unfortunately what that means is 2 - 3 unhealthy meals where I ate more than I should have. Plus dessert.

I don't know what it is about up north and campfires, but I can't resist having a good ole S'more (or 2).

I did manage to get up the day after we arrived and run for 60 minutes, so I felt very accomplished that day. That was, however, the only day I woke up and worked out. The other days we went four wheeling into town, fished, and played outdoor games with my 7 year old nephews and my dogs. I purposefully did not weigh myself when I got home the following Friday because I knew we would be leaving for vacation the next Monday to go to New York.

New York was great, but again there is so much good food to try. The nice thing about New York is you have to walk everywhere if you don't want to pay an arm and a leg for a taxi. I didn't have a pedometer, but looking at my phone I walked at least 4 miles every day. I also did run/walk and lift weights the day after I arrived.

Here is one temptation I had to give in to.... They were too good to pass up, luckily I only got one small one.
Oh.. and don't forget this (read the label). Probably the best piece of chocolate ever.
I had a great time wandering around the city by myself while my husband worked :) I would love to go back someday to do more.
Here are some more photos I will share with you of my trip. The tough part now is getting back into my routine.
It was getting ready to storm pretty bad.
 I'm holding up the statue with my thumb... don't pay attention to my face, it was really hard to line it up while taking a picture of myself haha..


Time Square.. so awesome!

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