Monday, May 6, 2013

Week 2 - Day 1

I have some awesome news... today I weighed myself and I am down 2.4 pounds since last Monday! I am happy with the results, and hope to keep this up. I also measured my neck, waist, and hips so that I can monitor this as well. Sometimes I may not lose weight, but I might lose inches. My measurements are:
  • Neck: 12.5"
  • Waist: 33"
  • Hips:  40"
I will most likely be measuring myself every other week since it takes longer to have results.


This morning woke up and I was not sore from last weeks workouts anymore, so it feels like I have a fresh start to the week. I made it to the gym for my 60 minute spin class, and felt great afterwards. I also managed to walk up 13 flights of stairs after lunch today.


So far today my food intake has been great. With my workout included I have about 1200 calories remaining for dinner. I think we're going to have black bean burgers and sweet potato fries.. yum! I might have to have some air popped popcorn for a snack too.


Today I haven't really had any challenges as far as food and my workout goes. I am hoping that this is a sign that it gets easier to ignore your temptations.

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