Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Week 2 - Day 2

Today has been a pretty good day. I feel like I'm starting to get into the 'routine' of getting up early and working out. My body doesn't hurt (yet), and I feel more energized. It's also nice when I look around at work and see that other people are being conscience of what they put into their bodies too.


Today I did really good eating. I had to adjust a bit because I didn't workout today, so I don't have as much flexibility with my calories. I definitely like having about 1000 calories for dinner, but today I only have 400. For dinner I made a pork roast and some mixed veggies which I am looking forward to. I haven't had pork in a while, so it will be a nice change from the usual turkey and chicken. For those of you who don't know, I do not eat Beef anymore. I have listed some fun facts about beef below that I think everyone should be aware of.

  1. Beef contains dioxin, which is extremely toxic
    • This is the cause of cancer, endometriosis, Attention Deficit Disorder, reproductive systems defects in children, chronic fatigue syndrome, immune system deficiency, and rare nerve and blood disorders. 
    • Fun fact: "A single hamburger (a little less than 1/4 lb, or 100 grams) contains up to 100 picograms of dioxin. That is 300 times as much as the EPA says is "acceptable" for a daily dose for an adult!" (http://www.cqs.com/beef.htm)
  2.  Beef can have e. coli
  3.  Mad Cow Disease - which can cause Alzeimer's
I understand that there are negative things about all meat, but I think beef is the worst.. Fast food restaurants mainly serve beef entrees, and since I don't eat beef anymore it keeps me away from the drive throughs and the added calories.

I will end that tangent and talk about how TJ told me he is going to do a low carb diet tonight. When we went grocery shopping he was checking everything. Needless to say our whole cart was meet and vegetables. It's also going to be difficult for him because I am not doing a low carb diet and will be cooking what I want. This means he will have to start making his own breakfasts and dinners I'm hoping he sticks to it, but I am worried with the amount of running we are going to be doing while training for the 1/2 marathon that he is going to be drained and not motivated to continue. Today is day 1 for him and he seems to be doing well... I will keep you posted on his progress.


Today I did not work run the 3 miles I had in my schedule because my knee has been annoying me lately. I figured I would take one day off and rest and ice my knee.


The challenge today was staying within my calorie limit. Since I did not workout today I have less calories to work with. I also went grocery shopping on an empty stomach tonight. This is never a good idea. Luckily I went in with a list and stuck only to that list. For my friends who are also obsessed with Chobani yogurt I want to let you know they now make a BANANA flavored one! I bought some to have with my french vanilla almond granola for breakfast. I will let you know how it tastes in tomorrows post.

Tomorrow I will doing my weight lifting class. This means I will most likely be sore tomorrow night and Thursday, so I am going to take advantage of tonight not being sore.

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