Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Week 2 - Day 3

This blog is going to be short because I have to do a skype meeting with my Project Management class group.


I was able to get up and make it to the gym today for my 1.5 mile run and the weight lifting class. It was a little harder waking up early, but I did it! Somehow I managed to pull a muscle in my hand, so now when I lift something or flex my thumb I get a pain in the middle of my hand. 


Today I ate really well. I had the chobani banana yogurt and it was really good with my granola. For Lunch and Dinner I did really well too. I plan to have some popcorn later for a snack.

After work I walked my dogs and went to Delafield to pick up my bike, so now I'm ready to ride outside. I bought some pedals for my clip shoes as well, so now I will be able to ride better and faster. I''m rally looking forward to some rides this summer and training with TJ.

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