Thursday, May 9, 2013

Week 2 - Day 4

First I want to start off by thanking all of you who are reading my blog. I love being told by people that they find it inspiring and it makes them want to work out. When I hear this it motivates me even more and makes me feel more accountable for my workouts. I feel like I have to stick to my plan otherwise I'm going to let myself and others down.

Secondly, this post is going to be pretty short because I have to get back to working on my Econ final exam. If I cannot finish my final I will also not be able to do the bike ride in Kenosha that I planned to do on Saturday. At least the money will go towards a good cause, and hopefully I can get out on Sunday and ride to my Sister and Brother in laws house on Sunday to make up for it. They live in Oconomowoc, so it's a good 20 mile ride one way. So I might be able to get 40 miles in if it's nice out.


Today I made it to the gym to do some ab work before my 40 minute spin class. My knee is starting to feel a little better, but I can still feel the annoying pain occasionally. I wasn't able to do my 3 mile run tonight because I had to start my Econ final which is due on Sunday at midnight, and of course I have a busy weekend. This isn't really a good excuse for not working out, considering it only takes 30 minutes to run 3 miles.. and what is 30 minutes. Since I wake up at 4AM every morning I like to be in bed by 8:30/9PM, which leaves me with only about 3-3.5 hours of time to work on homework every night. This makes it very difficult to accomplish everything I want to in a day.


I did very well on my food intake today. I went out to lunch with TJ and one of our best friends Greg at the US Bank Building downtown Milwaukee. I had a chicken, avocado, sun dried tomato, and blue cheese spinach wrap with broccoli on the side. It was very tasty!


The only challenge I had today, which I didn't overcome was running 3 miles after work. To overcome this challenge I am going to run 3 miles tomorrow after work instead. This way I am not losing any more training time since I am going to be increasing my mileage next week. I don't want to injure myself anymore than I already am.

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