Friday, May 10, 2013

Week 2 - Day 5

Today was a good day as far as my workout went, but the food was quite a challenge.


To celebrate Mother's Day, TJ and I went to Potowatomi with my parents and had the buffet dinner and gambled. I tried to do as best I could at eating, but the dessert table ruined me. I had a small piece of cheesecake, a bite size brownie, and a bite size piece of chocolate cake. I know, I know... what was I thinking!!! I am regretting it now, and will probably pay for it on Monday when I weigh in.

Other than dessert after dinner, I did very well on my calorie intake. I need to make sure the rest of the weekend I am good and stick to my workouts.


This morning was probably the hardest day to wake up and go to the gym. I slept in a little too late and had to rush to get to the gym by 5. I did make it thought,  and was able to complete my 1.5 mile run and my 40 minute weight lifting class. In class we did quite a few squats and lunges.. I have to say my glutes and hamstrings are pretty sore.
Since we went to Potowatomi tonight I wasn't able to make up my 3 mile run that I was supposed to do yesterday. Hopefully my workouts this weekend will make up for that.

Well, that is all for today.. I hope all of you were better than me tonight. I hate that weekends are so hard to stick to a healthy lifestyle.

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