Sunday, May 12, 2013

Week 2 - Day 7

Happy Mother's Day everyone! I hope you all enjoyed your families and had a great day in this nice weather.

For Mother's Day we celebrated with my in laws and went to my Sister in Law's house with our dogs and had lunch. Our dogs were tied out on their porch and my Niece took her Elmo chair and propped it right by the sliding glass door to look at my dogs. It was probably the cutest thing I have ever seen!


This morning I made awesome scrambled eggs with broccoli, feta, turkey sausage, and turkey crumbles. For lunch we went to my sister in laws house and had Olive Garden soup and salad. I didn't have any bread sticks, and stuck to the all vegetable soup and had 1.5 bowls of salad with very little dressing. For dinner I had my left over stuffed pepper from yesterday and then some popcorn and almond milk for a snack.


Today I did my 3 mile run, I am still not able to reach a 9:00 minute average pace. My first mile was 8:50, my second mile was 9:10, and then I slowed way down on my third mile. On the last mile I have to go up a pretty steep hill, which takes everything out of me. Hopefully in a few weeks it won't be so bad. I really wanted to get out and ride my bike today, but wasn't able to. It was a little chilly, and I had to finish up my Econ Exam that is due tonight.

Tomorrow is my "weigh in day", hopefully I have lost some weight. I have noticed my pants are fitting a little better, and I don't feel as bloated all of the time.

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