Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Week 3 - Day 2

At work today all I thought about was getting outside for my run tonight. It was so nice out and a perfect day to run.

I wanted to share this post I found on Pinterest because I think it is so true. You can't always look at how much you weigh, because everyone holds their weight differently. Personally, I hold mine in my hips and thighs. The first place I lose the weight is in my face, arms, and stomach...the last place I lose it is my butt, hips, and thighs.


Today I did great eating. The only temptation I had was whether or not I should have a dark chocolate mocha instead of a sugar free vanilla latte. Needless to say I chose the latte. 


I completed my four mile run after work today. I tried something new and did sprint intervals. It killed me, but it worked. I managed to finish 37:25. That is an average of 9:21/mile. I am happy with that and hope I can decrease this as time progresses.

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