Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Week 3 - Day 3

This morning I overslept and didn't make it to the gym for my weight lifting class. I had planned to come home and do some ab work and ride my bike, but after taking my dogs for a walk, talking to my neighbors, and having a class meeting.. here I am and it's 8:00 PM. I think I will still do the ab work before I go to bed, but cardio is out.

I do have some exciting news.. at least for me it is exciting. I joined a volleyball team that my neighbors are a part of, so I will be playing volleyball on Tuesday nights in Waukesha. It has been a long time since I've played volleyball, so hopefully they don't have high hopes for me. I am really excited to do something social during the week though. I love my husband to death, but sometimes I need to have social time with other people.


Today I did great with my eating. Since I didn't workout this morning I made sure to eat healthy and stay within my limit for today. I am really craving ice cream now that it is warm out. Hopefully I can hold off, or get some of those weight watcher ice cream sundaes at the store.

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