Thursday, May 16, 2013

Week 3 - Day 4

Today started out great. I was able to make it to the gym and I felt great.Then I received an email from TJ telling me his car is going to cost $1,500 to fix. This was enough to ruin my day. He has been having issues with his car, so we decided to take it in to get looked at. All I kept thinking was "There goes my new counters".


Today I went out to lunch with TJ and they had macaroni and cheese, so I had some of that, and then I had a large salad with grilled chicken. We went to checkout and the cashier offered us some free cookies. So of course I had to get the double chocolate chip cookie. I have no idea how many calories that was, but it tasted wonderful. I did really good the rest of the day and ate fish and green beans for dinner. I still managed to stay under my calories, but it was close.


I did sprints for 1.5 miles and could feel my shin splints coming back. Then I did 40 minutes of my spin class. Tonight I was supposed to run 4 miles, but we had some consultants come and give us a quote for new counters and a sink. Needless to say we won't be getting that any time soon. I am going to have to start saving I guess. I also wanted to rest my shins. Tomorrow I have a weight lifting class, so I am counting on being sore this weekend.

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