Friday, May 17, 2013

Week 3 - Day 5

Even though today started out rainy it ended up being a pretty good day. Tomorrow we have our 25 mile bike ride in Waterford, which I am looking forward to. Saturday night we are going to be having a cook out with some of my friends back home. I am really looking forward to this. The nice thing is all of my friends are eating healthy as well, so I won't have to worry about fattening food!


Today I did great eating. At work they had my favorite granola today, so I had that with some yogurt and banana slices. Then for dinner we made chicken with Fresh Take. This is one of our favorite meals because it is so easy to make.


This morning I was able to get up and get to my weight lifting class. I also got in about 15 minutes of stretching before hand so I could workout the knots in my legs and shins. In the class today we used the gliders again... I swear those things are going to be the death of me. The mountain climbers are the worst ones, but it can only help me get better.

I'm looking forward to burning a lot of calories tomorrow on my bike ride!!

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