Sunday, May 19, 2013

Week 3 - Day 6 & 7

I wasn't able to post yesterday because we were out of town and out late so I am including yesterdays into today's post.


Saturday for lunch we went to Buffalo Wild Wings and I was able to get a grilled chicken wrap on a wheat bun with a side salad. I only ate 1/2 of the wrap, so that saved me a bunch of calories. For dinner we had a cookout with some friends and had chicken, baked potato w/ avocado, pineapple, corn, and asparagus. A lot of food, but all healthy. We then had some drinks... This is when I went over my calorie limit for the day. We went out to a bar and had some more drinks and then when we got back to the house afterwards we ate some left overs. So needless to say I definitely went over my calorie limit yesterday, even with the 25 mile bike ride TJ and I did.

Today we came home and took our bikes for a ride to Panera for lunch in Delafield, which is about a 10 mile ride round trip. It was pretty hot out, but it was a lot of fun being able to ride our bikes and get lunch. I had the strawberry poppy seed salad and some broccoli cheese soup. So far that is all I have eaten today. I think for dinner I might have a peanut butter apple sandwich. I am not overly hungry after yesterday, and tomorrow is my weigh in day, so I want to eat light.


Yesterday TJ and I did the Two Wheels for Two Counties bike ride in Waterford. It was a 25 mile ride with some rolling hills through farm land. It was a really good ride. TJ and I stopped periodically to rest. They also had a rest stop where they provided food, so I had a banana there. During the ride I burned about 900 calories, which is awesome!

Here are a few pictures of us getting ready to start our 25 mile ride.

Today TJ and I rode our bikes 10 miles and burned another 569 calories. This is taking place of my 4 mile run I was supposed to do today. I am still trying to recover from the shin splints I got last week. I will be continuing my running this week in hopes that the shin splints go away.

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