Monday, May 20, 2013

Week 4 - Day 1

Today was a pretty good day other than the fact that I was exhausted the whole day. I weighed in this morning and was down .2 pounds. I was hoping for a little more since I tried so hard this week and worked out every day. I am going to weigh in again tomorrow morning just to see if I lost any more.


I did really good eating today, although I am still hungry right now so I am fighting that off. I had some air popped popcorn to hold me over for tonight. After I post this I think I am going to lay in bed to avoid purging for food later.


I made it to the gym this morning for spin class. It was pretty rough considering my glutes still hurt from biking this weekend. I felt like an old woman today when i would stand up I had to stand slow because my muscles were a little stiff.

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