Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Week 4 - Day 2

Tonight is a late post. I really didn't want to post at all, but TJ is making me because I have to fess up and be accountable for my actions today. So here it goes... today was definitely a cheat day for me.


This morning I had my usual yogurt and granola, then I got to work and someone brought in donuts because their wife had a baby a few weeks ago. So of course I had to have the worst one for a person. The cream filled chocolate donut. This thing was probably the size of a large hockey puck and cost me about 400 calories. It was really good, but I regretted it as soon as I finished it.

I had lunch with TJ today and had a taco salad in a taco bowl. The salad itself wasn't terrible, it had chicken, a little rice, black beans, corn, and lettuce with some cilantro lime dressing.. the fact that it was in a hard shell taco bowl was the bad part. I did make sure that I only ate 1/2 of that.

Then for dinner I didn't feel like real food so I had about a teaspoon of nuttela with 1/2 of a wheat english muffin, and of course I couldn't stop there. So I had probably about a 1/4 cup of peanut butter with 2 1/2 wheat english muffins. This dinner was a whopping 720 calories according to myfitnesspal.com.

I tried to add everything up on myfitnesspal.com as best I could and it looks like I am about 700 calories over my 1200 calorie limit.


This morning I didn't workout like I should have. TJ went to a Brewers game last night and got home late. Of course the dogs barked so I woke up and it ruined my drive to wake up at 4AM to go to the gym.

Tonight I had my first volleyball game with the bar league I joined. All I can say is I really lost my touch. We lost, and there were so many times I messed up I felt so bad for my team. For those of you who know me I am pretty competitive and strive to be the best at everything I do, so this killed me. I was beating myself up the whole time, but my teammates were really motivating. I'm thinking I'm going to be purchasing a volleyball to practice with TJ so I can at least get a little better.

According to myfitnesspal.com playing 45 minutes of volleyball burns 429 calories. I am not sure if this is true, but I will take it. So that leaves me with about 300 calories over my limit for today. Tomorrow will have to be a workout day for sure. I am going to walk the 14 flights of stairs at work at least twice tomorrow and do my weight lifting class, and run at least 4 miles.

I have worked so hard these past three weeks, I need to stay on track so I don't gain back the weight I have lost. I keep going back to one of the quotes I put in my first post. "One bad meal won't make you fat, just like one good meal won't make you thin". This is so true. As long as I don't let this become a habit I should be OK.

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