Thursday, May 23, 2013

Week 4 - Day 3 & 4

Yesterday I was too lazy to post, so I am combining yesterday's post to today's as well. I decided to weigh myself this morning and I was actually up one pound, so I made sure to do good today.


Yesterday I did good eating throughout the day, but last night I had some more peanut butter and wheat wraps. It was really good, but of course I still regretted it afterwards.

Today I did really good eating for breakfast and lunch. Tonight we are going to our neighbors for some Papa Murphy's Chicken Mediterranean Pizza which I have calculated into and I can eat 2 pieces. So I made sure to have some greek yogurt ahead of time so I am not starving by the time we go over there.


Yesterday I didn't workout at all.

Today I made it to the gym for my spin class and did a mile and a half run as well. The run was good, I only felt my shin splints a little bit.. hopefully that is a good sign. I am looking forward to this weekend so I can go on a few long bike rides and runs.

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