Sunday, May 26, 2013

Week 4 - Day 5, 6, & 7

This weekend was one of the weekends I would rather forget as far as food goes. We had a lot of fun hanging out with friends, but with that comes bad food and alcohol. I am not looking forward to tomorrow's weigh in, but hopefully this will teach me a lesson.


Friday and Saturday were not good food days. Friday TJ and I went out to eat at Applebees, and of course I didn't get one of the Weight Watchers menu items.. instead I got a turkey bacon avocado sandwich with french fries. It was really good.. but I later looked up the calories and it was 900 calories!!!! I couldn't believe it. Then TJ ordered the shooter desserts there too.. Really good, but not good for me. Saturday we went to the Brewers game and grilled out and had some drinks, then for dinner we went to Jose's Blue Sombrero and had way too many chips and guacamole.


I didn't workout at all on Friday. Saturday I went for a 30 mile bike ride in the morning with some friends prior to going to the Brewers game. Then Sunday I woke up and ran 3 miles. I managed to have an average pace of 8:58, which is really good for me. After that I biked 15 miles with TJ and one of our friends. So, overall, I did good working out, but the eating killed me.

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