Friday, May 31, 2013

Week 5 - Days 2 - 4

This week has been so busy I haven't been able to get on the computer to post. I have done pretty good working out this week and so-so on my eating.


I have eaten really good for breakfast and lunch. Dinners have been rough because I just have not felt like cooking. On Monday I did make banana blueberry muffins which turned out awesome, so that's what I ate for breakfast most of the week.

We bought a new stove back in April, but it had to be special ordered because we needed white, so on Wednesday it was finally delivered. I have not cooked on it yet, but plan to tomorrow morning. My parents are coming up to spend the day with me so I told them I would make them breakfast. I have decided to make Vegan Banana/Blueberry Pancakes. I found a recipe on another blog (

They just look so good I couldn't pass it up!


This week I made it to the gym every day except on Wednesday. I have been trying really hard to get up every day, but some days I just can't pull myself out of bed. This morning was that way, but then I thought about everything I had to do tonight and that made me realize that I wasn't going to have time to workout after work... so I pulled myself out of bed and made it to the gym for running and my weight lifting class. Luckily we did not use those slider discs, instead we did an intense ab workout that is going to kill me tomorrow.

It's all worth it though, I am getting stronger and faster at running and bicycling. I am also shrinking, which is the ultimate goal. My pants are fitting better, and I can tell my stomach is getting flatter. This weekend is going to be a test for me. My parents are coming tomorrow, and then on Sunday I am going to a Wedding Expo in Brookfield with one of my best friends and our moms. This means there is going to be cake tasting, and I also have a wine and chocolate tasting coupon that I would like to use.

Needless to say I need to stick to my workouts this weekend.

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