Saturday, June 1, 2013

Week 5 - Day 6

Today was a long day, but I was able to get a lot of done... Except for working out. Today my parents came over and helped me with a surprise I have done for my husband. He is out of town so I decided to remodel our kitchen island (hopefully he doesn't read this before he gets home). I will post pictures tomorrow when it's completely done. It looks really good, and I did it for under $100.


Today I did so-so with food. I made the vegan blueberry/banana pancakes this morning and they were actually really good and extremely filling. I made more so I could have breakfast for a few more days. I went out for mexican with my parents for lunch and of course had chips and guacamole. For my actual meal I had about 3 bites of a chicken burrito and some refried beans and mexican rice. I could definitely done better, but considering I was working all day and shopping for shoes with my parents I feel I deserved it.



Today my workout consisted of painting and helping remodel my kitchen island. I also did a lot of walking at Rogans, and Fleet Feet in Brookfield. In the process I bought some new Kinvara 4 shoes and insoles.

Take a look!

These are so light and comfortable, I can't wait to run in them tomorrow. Hopefully it doesn't rain!
I also bought a recovery stick (that's what I call it anyways). This is only sold at Fleet Feet, and oh my goodness does it feel good. To use it you roll it over your sore muscles and it works out the knots that exist. I plan to sit every night and do this while I watch my shows. The pain feels so good and helps loosen my muscles to get me ready to run.

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