Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Week 6 - Day 1 & 2

This week has been rough. I've had to get a lot accomplished with TJ being out of town and planning for our vacation up north. I've done pretty well with my food and workout so far. I went grocery shopping tonight and picked up ingredients to make roasted red pepper hummus and fruit dip. Thursday I will be getting some fruit and veggies to cut up to bring with us. I'm looking forward to a break off work for a while.


Monday and today I did pretty good on food. For dinner tonight I decided to have nutella and pretzel crisps instead of actual food. Probably not the smartest choice, but it was so easy to grab. I made my banana blueberry muffins that I am going to bring to work tomorrow. I really just wanted to use my new stove and I had a few bananas I needed to get rid of.


Yesterday I made it to spin class in the morning and had a great workout. Today I couldn't get up, and I was super busy tonight preparing for vacation.. so we will say today was a 'rest' day. I am looking forward to my weight lifting class tomorrow though.

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