Thursday, June 6, 2013

Week 6 - Day 3 & 4

Well, Week 6 is coming to an end and I'm hoping I can lose some weight. I am planning to weigh myself in the morning since I will be out of town next week. I will then weigh again when I get back. Hopefully the number will either go down or stay the same. I really don't want to gain any more weight. Tonight I went grocery shopping and spent about $100 on fruits and veggies. I made a big fruit salad, homemade hummus, fruit dip, and veggies for the hummus. I also made my banana blueberry muffins using protein powder and flaxseed.. so pretty healthy. The only thing I really need to watch is the alcohol, and I NEED to workout. Since I will be out of town I may not have time to post on my blog, but I will be sure to let you know how I did when I get back.


For Wednesday and Thursday this week I did fairly good on food.. dinner I still managed to have pretzels and nuttela, but I suppose it could be worse. I've had no treats at work, and have done a lot of walking at work.


Yesterday I made it to my weight lifting class and also did 1.5 miles of sprints. I managed to start running at 7 mph and got up to 8.5mph. I was super proud of myself, this is a record for me. Then after that I managed to make it through my power lifting class.

This morning I was dragging and didn't make it to my spin class. Of course I was planning on running tonight, but the rain got in my way and I had to finish packing and preparing for my trip.

My goal for up north is to get outside and run every day, but of course that all depends on the weather. If it does rain then I am going to do my ab challenge and some cardio circuit inside. Hopefully TJ will join me.

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