Monday, June 24, 2013

Week 7 and 8

For week 7 I was up north with my Husband's family enjoying the great outdoors four wheeling, fishing, and sitting around the campfire. Unfortunately what that means is 2 - 3 unhealthy meals where I ate more than I should have. Plus dessert.

I don't know what it is about up north and campfires, but I can't resist having a good ole S'more (or 2).

I did manage to get up the day after we arrived and run for 60 minutes, so I felt very accomplished that day. That was, however, the only day I woke up and worked out. The other days we went four wheeling into town, fished, and played outdoor games with my 7 year old nephews and my dogs. I purposefully did not weigh myself when I got home the following Friday because I knew we would be leaving for vacation the next Monday to go to New York.

New York was great, but again there is so much good food to try. The nice thing about New York is you have to walk everywhere if you don't want to pay an arm and a leg for a taxi. I didn't have a pedometer, but looking at my phone I walked at least 4 miles every day. I also did run/walk and lift weights the day after I arrived.

Here is one temptation I had to give in to.... They were too good to pass up, luckily I only got one small one.
Oh.. and don't forget this (read the label). Probably the best piece of chocolate ever.
I had a great time wandering around the city by myself while my husband worked :) I would love to go back someday to do more.
Here are some more photos I will share with you of my trip. The tough part now is getting back into my routine.
It was getting ready to storm pretty bad.
 I'm holding up the statue with my thumb... don't pay attention to my face, it was really hard to line it up while taking a picture of myself haha..


Time Square.. so awesome!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Week 6 - Day 3 & 4

Well, Week 6 is coming to an end and I'm hoping I can lose some weight. I am planning to weigh myself in the morning since I will be out of town next week. I will then weigh again when I get back. Hopefully the number will either go down or stay the same. I really don't want to gain any more weight. Tonight I went grocery shopping and spent about $100 on fruits and veggies. I made a big fruit salad, homemade hummus, fruit dip, and veggies for the hummus. I also made my banana blueberry muffins using protein powder and flaxseed.. so pretty healthy. The only thing I really need to watch is the alcohol, and I NEED to workout. Since I will be out of town I may not have time to post on my blog, but I will be sure to let you know how I did when I get back.


For Wednesday and Thursday this week I did fairly good on food.. dinner I still managed to have pretzels and nuttela, but I suppose it could be worse. I've had no treats at work, and have done a lot of walking at work.


Yesterday I made it to my weight lifting class and also did 1.5 miles of sprints. I managed to start running at 7 mph and got up to 8.5mph. I was super proud of myself, this is a record for me. Then after that I managed to make it through my power lifting class.

This morning I was dragging and didn't make it to my spin class. Of course I was planning on running tonight, but the rain got in my way and I had to finish packing and preparing for my trip.

My goal for up north is to get outside and run every day, but of course that all depends on the weather. If it does rain then I am going to do my ab challenge and some cardio circuit inside. Hopefully TJ will join me.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Week 6 - Day 1 & 2

This week has been rough. I've had to get a lot accomplished with TJ being out of town and planning for our vacation up north. I've done pretty well with my food and workout so far. I went grocery shopping tonight and picked up ingredients to make roasted red pepper hummus and fruit dip. Thursday I will be getting some fruit and veggies to cut up to bring with us. I'm looking forward to a break off work for a while.


Monday and today I did pretty good on food. For dinner tonight I decided to have nutella and pretzel crisps instead of actual food. Probably not the smartest choice, but it was so easy to grab. I made my banana blueberry muffins that I am going to bring to work tomorrow. I really just wanted to use my new stove and I had a few bananas I needed to get rid of.


Yesterday I made it to spin class in the morning and had a great workout. Today I couldn't get up, and I was super busy tonight preparing for vacation.. so we will say today was a 'rest' day. I am looking forward to my weight lifting class tomorrow though.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Week 5 - Day 7

Today was a pretty good day. I went to a wedding expo in Brookfield with my friend who is getting married in two years (she is an early planner). We then went to Coopers Nest to use a gift certificate I received for a free wine tasting for four.


Today I did OK eating. For breakfast I had one of my vegan blueberry/banana pancakes with strawberries. After the Wedding expo we went wine tasting at Coopers Nest. I ended up buying a bottle of German wine that is similar to Riesling, and I joined their wine club. So I will be getting one bottle of wine every month! YAY.. Then for lunch I had chicken and broccoli stir fry. Not the best option, but it could have been worse. I also forgot to mention at the wedding expo there was some cake and ice cream that I tasted.


I ran five miles this morning in 43:37, which is an average of 8:43 per mile. This is record time for me, so I was thrilled. My new running shoes were also a big help. I didn't have any pains after my run and I felt great. Hopefully I can keep this up until the 1/2 marathon in September.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Week 5 - Day 6

Today was a long day, but I was able to get a lot of done... Except for working out. Today my parents came over and helped me with a surprise I have done for my husband. He is out of town so I decided to remodel our kitchen island (hopefully he doesn't read this before he gets home). I will post pictures tomorrow when it's completely done. It looks really good, and I did it for under $100.


Today I did so-so with food. I made the vegan blueberry/banana pancakes this morning and they were actually really good and extremely filling. I made more so I could have breakfast for a few more days. I went out for mexican with my parents for lunch and of course had chips and guacamole. For my actual meal I had about 3 bites of a chicken burrito and some refried beans and mexican rice. I could definitely done better, but considering I was working all day and shopping for shoes with my parents I feel I deserved it.



Today my workout consisted of painting and helping remodel my kitchen island. I also did a lot of walking at Rogans, and Fleet Feet in Brookfield. In the process I bought some new Kinvara 4 shoes and insoles.

Take a look!

These are so light and comfortable, I can't wait to run in them tomorrow. Hopefully it doesn't rain!
I also bought a recovery stick (that's what I call it anyways). This is only sold at Fleet Feet, and oh my goodness does it feel good. To use it you roll it over your sore muscles and it works out the knots that exist. I plan to sit every night and do this while I watch my shows. The pain feels so good and helps loosen my muscles to get me ready to run.