Friday, May 31, 2013

Week 5 - Days 2 - 4

This week has been so busy I haven't been able to get on the computer to post. I have done pretty good working out this week and so-so on my eating.


I have eaten really good for breakfast and lunch. Dinners have been rough because I just have not felt like cooking. On Monday I did make banana blueberry muffins which turned out awesome, so that's what I ate for breakfast most of the week.

We bought a new stove back in April, but it had to be special ordered because we needed white, so on Wednesday it was finally delivered. I have not cooked on it yet, but plan to tomorrow morning. My parents are coming up to spend the day with me so I told them I would make them breakfast. I have decided to make Vegan Banana/Blueberry Pancakes. I found a recipe on another blog (

They just look so good I couldn't pass it up!


This week I made it to the gym every day except on Wednesday. I have been trying really hard to get up every day, but some days I just can't pull myself out of bed. This morning was that way, but then I thought about everything I had to do tonight and that made me realize that I wasn't going to have time to workout after work... so I pulled myself out of bed and made it to the gym for running and my weight lifting class. Luckily we did not use those slider discs, instead we did an intense ab workout that is going to kill me tomorrow.

It's all worth it though, I am getting stronger and faster at running and bicycling. I am also shrinking, which is the ultimate goal. My pants are fitting better, and I can tell my stomach is getting flatter. This weekend is going to be a test for me. My parents are coming tomorrow, and then on Sunday I am going to a Wedding Expo in Brookfield with one of my best friends and our moms. This means there is going to be cake tasting, and I also have a wine and chocolate tasting coupon that I would like to use.

Needless to say I need to stick to my workouts this weekend.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Week 5 - Day 1

Even though today was cloudy and rainy I still managed to get out and run. I don't think we should let the weather get in our way of a good workout, especially if you belong to a gym. I weighed in today and was actually up about a pound, but when I measured myself I was down one inch in my waist and one and a half inches in my hips. I am very pleased with this. As I told TJ, I would rather be down in inches and gain weight, than down in weight and up in inches.


For breakfast my husband made me an omelet. The rest of the day I snacked on mini bags of chips and had some low fat/sugar free ice cream that was pretty good. Then for dinner I had some chicken I made in the crock pot yesterday. It consisted of chicken, cream of chicken soup, and queso soup. All I did was put all of those ingredients with a little water in my crock pot and set it on low for 8 hours. The chicken is so tender it pulls a part, so you can have it as a sandwich, over rice, or even over noodles. I like this because you can have it so many ways, so it's not like you're eating the same thing every day.


This morning I did my first 5 mile run of the season and was pleased with my time considering it was rainy and windy. I managed a 9:27 average mile, giving me a total of 47:19. In order to get to my 2 hour 1/2 marathon goal I need to decrease that time by at least 27 seconds. Hopefully throughout my training I can accomplish that.

Here is my June training plan. I am going to be out of town for the second and third week, but I'm still going to run and do ab workouts while out of town to keep me on track.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Week 4 - Day 5, 6, & 7

This weekend was one of the weekends I would rather forget as far as food goes. We had a lot of fun hanging out with friends, but with that comes bad food and alcohol. I am not looking forward to tomorrow's weigh in, but hopefully this will teach me a lesson.


Friday and Saturday were not good food days. Friday TJ and I went out to eat at Applebees, and of course I didn't get one of the Weight Watchers menu items.. instead I got a turkey bacon avocado sandwich with french fries. It was really good.. but I later looked up the calories and it was 900 calories!!!! I couldn't believe it. Then TJ ordered the shooter desserts there too.. Really good, but not good for me. Saturday we went to the Brewers game and grilled out and had some drinks, then for dinner we went to Jose's Blue Sombrero and had way too many chips and guacamole.


I didn't workout at all on Friday. Saturday I went for a 30 mile bike ride in the morning with some friends prior to going to the Brewers game. Then Sunday I woke up and ran 3 miles. I managed to have an average pace of 8:58, which is really good for me. After that I biked 15 miles with TJ and one of our friends. So, overall, I did good working out, but the eating killed me.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Week 4 - Day 3 & 4

Yesterday I was too lazy to post, so I am combining yesterday's post to today's as well. I decided to weigh myself this morning and I was actually up one pound, so I made sure to do good today.


Yesterday I did good eating throughout the day, but last night I had some more peanut butter and wheat wraps. It was really good, but of course I still regretted it afterwards.

Today I did really good eating for breakfast and lunch. Tonight we are going to our neighbors for some Papa Murphy's Chicken Mediterranean Pizza which I have calculated into and I can eat 2 pieces. So I made sure to have some greek yogurt ahead of time so I am not starving by the time we go over there.


Yesterday I didn't workout at all.

Today I made it to the gym for my spin class and did a mile and a half run as well. The run was good, I only felt my shin splints a little bit.. hopefully that is a good sign. I am looking forward to this weekend so I can go on a few long bike rides and runs.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Week 4 - Day 2

Tonight is a late post. I really didn't want to post at all, but TJ is making me because I have to fess up and be accountable for my actions today. So here it goes... today was definitely a cheat day for me.


This morning I had my usual yogurt and granola, then I got to work and someone brought in donuts because their wife had a baby a few weeks ago. So of course I had to have the worst one for a person. The cream filled chocolate donut. This thing was probably the size of a large hockey puck and cost me about 400 calories. It was really good, but I regretted it as soon as I finished it.

I had lunch with TJ today and had a taco salad in a taco bowl. The salad itself wasn't terrible, it had chicken, a little rice, black beans, corn, and lettuce with some cilantro lime dressing.. the fact that it was in a hard shell taco bowl was the bad part. I did make sure that I only ate 1/2 of that.

Then for dinner I didn't feel like real food so I had about a teaspoon of nuttela with 1/2 of a wheat english muffin, and of course I couldn't stop there. So I had probably about a 1/4 cup of peanut butter with 2 1/2 wheat english muffins. This dinner was a whopping 720 calories according to

I tried to add everything up on as best I could and it looks like I am about 700 calories over my 1200 calorie limit.


This morning I didn't workout like I should have. TJ went to a Brewers game last night and got home late. Of course the dogs barked so I woke up and it ruined my drive to wake up at 4AM to go to the gym.

Tonight I had my first volleyball game with the bar league I joined. All I can say is I really lost my touch. We lost, and there were so many times I messed up I felt so bad for my team. For those of you who know me I am pretty competitive and strive to be the best at everything I do, so this killed me. I was beating myself up the whole time, but my teammates were really motivating. I'm thinking I'm going to be purchasing a volleyball to practice with TJ so I can at least get a little better.

According to playing 45 minutes of volleyball burns 429 calories. I am not sure if this is true, but I will take it. So that leaves me with about 300 calories over my limit for today. Tomorrow will have to be a workout day for sure. I am going to walk the 14 flights of stairs at work at least twice tomorrow and do my weight lifting class, and run at least 4 miles.

I have worked so hard these past three weeks, I need to stay on track so I don't gain back the weight I have lost. I keep going back to one of the quotes I put in my first post. "One bad meal won't make you fat, just like one good meal won't make you thin". This is so true. As long as I don't let this become a habit I should be OK.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Week 4 - Day 1

Today was a pretty good day other than the fact that I was exhausted the whole day. I weighed in this morning and was down .2 pounds. I was hoping for a little more since I tried so hard this week and worked out every day. I am going to weigh in again tomorrow morning just to see if I lost any more.


I did really good eating today, although I am still hungry right now so I am fighting that off. I had some air popped popcorn to hold me over for tonight. After I post this I think I am going to lay in bed to avoid purging for food later.


I made it to the gym this morning for spin class. It was pretty rough considering my glutes still hurt from biking this weekend. I felt like an old woman today when i would stand up I had to stand slow because my muscles were a little stiff.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Week 3 - Day 6 & 7

I wasn't able to post yesterday because we were out of town and out late so I am including yesterdays into today's post.


Saturday for lunch we went to Buffalo Wild Wings and I was able to get a grilled chicken wrap on a wheat bun with a side salad. I only ate 1/2 of the wrap, so that saved me a bunch of calories. For dinner we had a cookout with some friends and had chicken, baked potato w/ avocado, pineapple, corn, and asparagus. A lot of food, but all healthy. We then had some drinks... This is when I went over my calorie limit for the day. We went out to a bar and had some more drinks and then when we got back to the house afterwards we ate some left overs. So needless to say I definitely went over my calorie limit yesterday, even with the 25 mile bike ride TJ and I did.

Today we came home and took our bikes for a ride to Panera for lunch in Delafield, which is about a 10 mile ride round trip. It was pretty hot out, but it was a lot of fun being able to ride our bikes and get lunch. I had the strawberry poppy seed salad and some broccoli cheese soup. So far that is all I have eaten today. I think for dinner I might have a peanut butter apple sandwich. I am not overly hungry after yesterday, and tomorrow is my weigh in day, so I want to eat light.


Yesterday TJ and I did the Two Wheels for Two Counties bike ride in Waterford. It was a 25 mile ride with some rolling hills through farm land. It was a really good ride. TJ and I stopped periodically to rest. They also had a rest stop where they provided food, so I had a banana there. During the ride I burned about 900 calories, which is awesome!

Here are a few pictures of us getting ready to start our 25 mile ride.

Today TJ and I rode our bikes 10 miles and burned another 569 calories. This is taking place of my 4 mile run I was supposed to do today. I am still trying to recover from the shin splints I got last week. I will be continuing my running this week in hopes that the shin splints go away.